Oct 7, 2013 -
openers, Opening, top 10 openers
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The Cologne Opener by Neil Strauss (The Game)
Here is a simple opener that Neil Strauss aka Style mentions in The Game:
“Hey guys, I want your opinion on something. I have two different colognes on
my wrists, and I want to see which one you smells better.” (Let them smell the cologne. Be cocky and funny, neg the target, etc.)
“The reason is, I have so many colognes from my ex-girlfriends on my shelf, and I want to give some of them away and keep the best ones.”
After she picks one, pull out a pen and make a mark on your wrist, next to five or ten others.
If she asks So what are they?, say This one is hemlock, this one is chloroform?, if not, say it anyway ;)