Mystery’s and Style’s Kiss Close Routines
For many guys the kiss seems like the first make or break it moment when you know if a woman is actually sexually attracted to you. Therefore this moment gets built up into a challenging obstacle that becomes impossible to defeat in the mind and therefore in reality.
A woman is probably not going to kiss you if she won’t move to isolation with you. A woman is probably not going to kiss you if she hasn’t shown you even one IOI (Indicator of Interest). A woman is definitely not going to kiss you if you don’t approach her.
But let’s examine this from another angle. A woman is more likely going to kiss you if you approach her. A woman is more likely going to kiss you if she shows you IOIs. A woman
is very likely going to kiss you if she goes into isolation with you.
Let’s imagine you’ve done everything right. You’ve approached a woman, you’ve been getting IOIs from her, and she moved into isolation with you. Or alternatively you are both now out on a Day 2 (that’s a date to the uninitiated).
The next thing you’re going to be working towards is a kiss close. Because if a woman has done all these things with you then WAKE UP! She wants to kiss you. And GUESS WHAT it’s
your job to KISS HER.
That’s right! You’re the man and that’s your role. You must lead her. If you don’t lead she can’t follow. But if you do lead she’ll more than likely follow and respect you for it, because all women are looking for REAL MEN.
So you know your duty and now all you need to do is perform it. And you will do so in the following manner.
There’s a natural order to turning a woman on. They don’t prefer for you to dive straight at their lips for the first kiss. Instead they like a little teasing. They like a little anticipation. They like a little rising action. And that’s your Kino Escalation.
Kino is just a short way of saying playful touching, and not necessarily sexually touching, but the kind of touching that comes before sexual touching.
There’s easy ways to insert kino into your interaction with a woman before you kiss. Here’s a short but not complete list of examples:
-When she makes a sarcastic joke or remark nudge her in the arm with your fist or shoulder lightly and smile.
-Insert kino into routines like The Ring Finger Routine or Palm Reading and touch a woman’s hand lightly with your fingers as you run routines like these.
-Play fun games like thumb wrestling, showing each other secret hand shakes, or high-fiving each other.
-Use Kino to lead her when it’s applicable. For example lead her through crowds at bars and clubs by putting out your hand for her hand and guiding her.
-Do push-pull funny things like tell her she has huge hands and showing her by sizing your hands against hers.
-And of course there are a thousand other ways.
Yes, I’ve heard it before, “I don’t want to use a kiss close they feel fake.” Well, that’s fine as long as you’re consistently having no trouble kissing women. But if you can’t bridge that gap, you NEED to USE a KISS CLOSE.
A Kiss Close is the device that helps you seal that deal because it gets you right up to the threshold and almost pushes you into the kiss, like a helpful skydiver instructor pushing you out the plane. Once the words or actions of a Kiss Close come out of your mouth you’ve displayed your intentions. You are committed to the kiss.
Now that you know the “why” here’s the “how.” But first a word of caution. A Kiss Close is never begging or asking. You never say “Can I kiss you?” or “Please, kiss me.” This is not a Kiss Close. Observe, these following examples and use them or create your own
along the same principles.
I. Mystery’s Kiss Close
At the moment you feel like there’s a lull in the conversation because the woman might want something more or when she meets your gaze you say the following.
You: “Do you want to kiss me?”
Her: “I don’t know.”
You: “Let’s find out.”
Then move in for the kiss :)
Of course, she could say two other things “No” or “Yes” and here’s how those play out. If she says “Yes” then you kiss immediately.
If she says “No” then you say the following:
You: “Hey I didn’t say you could. It just looked like you had something on your mind.”
II. Style’s Evolution Phase Shift
If you’ve read “The Game” then you already know this kiss close.
It’s brilliant because it incorporates kino escalation into the close. Here it is:
Tell her that she smells good and ask what she’s wearing. Lean in, brush her hair aside, sniff her slowly, moving up from the shoulder to the ear. “Mmmm, that smells good. People don’t pay enough attention to smell. But you’ll notice how animals, before they mate, will always smell each other. Evolution has hard-wired us to respond to certain things. You are wired to respond when someone smells you.”
“It’s like when someone pulls the back of your hair. You’ll notice how lions, when they mate, always bite and tug at the end of each other’s mane, right here.” Point to the back of your head then run your hand up the back of her neck and grab a fistful of hair at the roots and
pull it, downwards. She says “Mmmm…” And I say “see.”
Next say “No one knows this, but the most sensitive places on the body are places that are usually hidden from contact with the air, like the back of the elbow (touching it) and knee (touching it). Any place where your body bends, twists, or folds, there are millions of
sensitive little nerve endings that release endorphins. Take her arm, bend it a little, and erotically bite the area on the opposite side of the elbow (that crease where it bends). Ask “Does that feel good?”
[Note for the less experienced: If you don’t know how to erotically bite a girl, learn before you do this. You want to take a big chunk of skin, not a little pinch and slowly and firmly slide your teeth together until they meet and release the skin. You may want to practice on your own elbow first.]
Now you say, “But do you know what the best thing in the world is? A bite…right…here.” And point to the side of your neck. Then expose your neck and say, “Bite me right here” as if you expect her to. Fifty percent of the time she will. If she doesn’t, just turn away calmly (punish), wait a few seconds, and then turn back and repeat, “Bite me right here.” Usually she will.
Half the time, her bite will be lame. If so, correct her and say, “That’s not how you bite. Come here.” Then give her a good bite on the neck and instruct her to “try again.”
Now look her in the eye, smile mischievously/approvingly, and say, very slowly, “Not bad.” Then glance down at her mouth, back up at her eyes, and kiss!
Here’s the condensed version, write it down and take it into the field with you: smell, grab hair, touch elbow, touch back of knee, bite elbow, bite my neck, bite her neck, triangular gazing, kiss.