How to Flirt with Women or the Top Ten Lines to Tease a Girl
A huge mistake that a lot of guys make is trying to appeal to the girl at any cost. This is also called “being needy”. And that’s one of the things that turns women off instantly.
So, instead of trying to do everything just to impress her, try to tease her a bit. This way you show her that you aren’t “afraid” of beatiful girls, that dealing with such women isn’t new to you. Teasing is all about being playful. At the same time you always need to come out on top in a conversation to demonstrate that you’re the leader, the strong guy who is confident no matter what she says.
Teasing is about being cocky and funny. It’s about being brash and playful at the same time. It’s also about being creative: your best tools here are cold reading and purposeful misunderstanding.
The basic principle is always the same: push and pull (or punishment and reward). That means that you always keep the tension in the conversation. For example tell her that you like her. Then moments later pretend you’re upset by something that she did.
“Negs” (negative comments on her looks or behavior) are suitable for teasing, but even more effective at the beginning of a conversation as this way – to quote the Worlds Greatest Pickup Artist Mystery – “you disqualify yourself from being a potential suitor“.
So, without further chitchat, here are the Top Ten Lines to Tease a Girl:
1) I like your hair color… Is it real?
2) I love your smile…But I’m looking for a girl with personality.
3) I like your voice…But not what you’re saying.
4) You seem so smart. How do you manage to hide your true self?
5) You’re beautiful. But beauty is so common. What is it that you have except your looks?
6) What’s the craziest thing you’re ever done? That’s great. You and my grandma would really get along.
7) You know why you and me would never get along? We are too similar!
8 ) You are pretty…But not my type.
9) Hey, what’s your favorite song? What? That’s it. I’m going home.
10) Are you dancing or do you need to go to the toilet?
As you perform – yes, its not only about the content, but your presentation – those lines, remember that your tone is everything. Stay playful and don’t take her answers seriously. You will find a great chapter called “Disinterest” with lots of NEGs etc. in his newest e-Book Revelation (Chapter 6, p. 105-125).
P.S. Always keep in mind: The goal isn’t to insult her, but to show her that beautiful women are not a big deal to you (that’s why you answer in a playful way). Every “critical” statement should be made in a playful tone and a smile.