Why Canned Openers and Routines?
A lot of newbies wonder why they should use canned openers and any kind of routines. They think being spontaneous is all you need. So, why do you need routines at all?
Routines are great training wheels. They allow you to test and refine the delivery of your material so you eventually get it “just right”. Routines clear your mind of the constant question: “OMG what am I going to say next to keep the conversation going?”
They allow you to be actually more present in the moment and tune directly
into the emotional connection between you and the girl. While your mouth keeps blabbering
interesting stuff, almost without an effort of your thinking brain.
Routines literally open your heart to focus on HER and HER reactions. They allow you to flow and vibe and be in complete sync with her emotions, which is all that matters anyway.
Of course, being quick-witted and coming up with original, personal stuff to say
on the fly is the holy grail. But routines are a must for two reasons:
Reason #1: Everyone has an off day or an off moment.
Even the most skilled conversationalist will hit a lull sooner or later. What better way to amp up the energy again than by pulling out a tried and true routine… where the audience reaction is 100% predictable!?
Reason #2: Studying routines makes you think about why they work. They allow you to see the PATTERNS behind social interaction.
P.S. If you need some outstanding, working openers and routines for tones of different situations, get Magic Bullets, the “pickup bible”.