Neil Strauss (Style) Interview with Brad P.
The Horse Girl Opener by Brad P.
Point to a girl with a “Don’t I know you?” look on your face. Then, say “Do you like horses?”
It’s a strange question and it makes her wonder “Why would he ask me this? I need to know!”
Her: “Yes / No / Maybe.”
You: “I’m asking because in my 7th grade there was a girl who loved horses. She drew horses on her binder and ran around making horse noises. We called her the weird horse girl. You
look just like her.”
Her: (laughing) “I’m not the weird horse girl. Where did you go to school?”
You: “I’m not sure if you’re her. Maybe you won’t admit it. But if you are, I want to say sorry. In school I was the cool kid. I made fun of the horse girl. Now I’m trying to be a better person and I never make fun of people. I promised myself if I ever saw you I’d apologize.”
Her: (smiling) “Awwww…I guess I can forgive you.”
You: (go for the hug)