44-Minute Video: Jared Psych Laurence on Qualification & Interest
Derek’s Tips to Improve Your Online Dating Tonight:
Big news if you want to know how to pick up women online!
Derek Cajun created the ultimate online game manual: The Gentleman’s Guide to Online Game. It’s full of examples, pictures, message logs, it goes step-by-step through the key elements of online dating, including:
– How to build a profile
– How to choose your pictures
– What to send in your first message
– How to get her into chat, text, phone, and in-person
– How to set expectations in advance (relationship vs. fun)
– Chat and message logs so you can see the system in real life
– How to meet women off Facebook
Check It Out Here:
And Cajun is guaranteeing that ANY man who uses his system will have more dates with quality women within just 30 days (or you get every penny back).
About Cajun…
If you’re new to this site, you might not know Cajun. He’s been keeping his head down the last year or two, busy with a ton of testing and live trials of the Gentleman’s Guide.
But before he was known as a world expert in online game for men, he was famous for winning the Keys to the VIP hidden competition pickup TV show. This was no vanity project, where a guy gets to approach 100 women and choose the infield footage he likes. He put his name, and the Love Systems name, on the line without so much as a safety net. Cameras followed his every move at a nightclub. Judges watched….
…and the 5’6 Cajun mopped the floor with the competition. “The best we’ve ever seen,” said one of the judges.
You can actually watch all the infield footage on the Gentleman’s Guide site – just click over to the “Success Stories” tab and look on the right-hand side. Here’s a link to the site again:
The Gentleman’s Guide to Online Dating
In other words, with Cajun you know you’re getting the straight goods. He’s not some guy who dates online because he can’t attract women day-to-day. He’s literally one of the best in the world – and he brings THAT expertise to the online world.
A lot of guys have the same question: What can I do to attract more women?
So, without further chitchat, here is the Top 20 List of things you can do to instantly attract more women:
1) Smile. But don’t overdo it. Simply put on a honest smile and the feedback will be amazing.
2) Be friendly. No matter what happens. Women are rarely rude and if so it’s often a test.
3) Demonstrate a high energy level. Be passionate when you talk, involve the quite guys in the discussion.
4) Never do what all guys do. Never buy girls drinks, never use compliments approaching a beautiful woman, never approach with “excuse me”.
5) Don’t pay too much attention to your feelings. Otherwise you will lose the game.
6) Be confident. You are not? Approach ten women everyday and see the results.
7) Speak slowly. A slowly voice commands authority.
8 ) Be decisive. Make definite statements that demonstrate your conviction.
9) Groom yourself. Get a manicure, remove excess hair, whiten your teeth and get tan.
10) Have a coherent body language. Stand up straight and always be aware of your posture.
11) Get well-dressed. Make sure your clothes fit. Buy some trendy shirts (no Hawaiian shirts).
12) Wear interesting accessories (rings, necklaces, bracelets, hats).
13) Tell an interesting story or learn how to do it.
14) Get social proof. Demonstrate that a lot of people like you and she will too.
15) Don’t take yourself too serious. Demonstrate your sense of humor. Learn some good jokes by the heart and practice telling them.
16) Think positive. The best is yet to come. It will shine through every time you speak.
17) Demonstrate higher value. Use palm reading, the cube, the ring routine, dream interpretation, cold reading, number guessing, hand writing, magic tricks, psycho tests aso.
18) Make her feel good about herself. Tell her what she wants to hear. Be emphatic.
19) Practice eye contact. It’s where it all starts.
20) Be unique. Have your own opinion on anything. Don’t believe there are only 20 things you can do to attract a woman. ;-)
Questions answered in the first video (part 1):
1) How did Matador and Asian Playboy meet?
2) What was Project Hollywood like?
3) What is Indirect good for and how long should you practice it?
4) What is Masculine, Sexual Charisma?
5) How effective is kino?
6) How can YOU increase your phone close rate by 15%?
7) Response to “I have a boyfriend.”
8) What is the D-Phase?
9) What are some good Cavemaning and Buying Temperature tactics?
10) What are some examples of Direct Openers?
11) What do you say after a Direct Opener?
Questions answered in the second video (part 2):
1) What do you do when you go Direct but don’t have enough Passive Value or attraction?
2) What is the Fuckable line?
3) Do you Neg or use a False Time Constraint when you go Direct?
4) How do I make the Perfect Approach (ie “Sticking the Approach”)?
5) What is the difference between Direct versus Indirect?
6) What is the #1 problem that Asian men face?
7) The PUA Spin – How you use it determines if it is Buying Temperature Gambit or a Sexual Compliance Test
8) How can I come off as Non-Creepy?
9) How do I answer the question, “How old are you?”
10) What is the Asian Fountain of Youth Kiss Close?
11) How do I save face if I get blown out using a Direct Opener?
12) What is the Boomerang and how do you use it to reboot a conversation?
Questions answered in the 3 video (part 3):
1) How successful is a Direct Opener?
2) How do you know if you’re in COMFORT?
3) What is the C-Phase: Compliance, Comfort, & Connect?
4) How do I build social proof and value using Direct Game?
5) What do you say to a group before you pull your target?
6) How to use Non-Verbal Social Pressure & Compliance Testing
7) What is difference between Direct Group Game versus Indirect Holding Court?
8) How do you approach a two-set?
9) What is Body Language Positioning (BLP)?
10) A RARE example of a BLP Maneuever
11) What is “Cuntpunting”?
12) What is the E-Phase: Evaluate, Extract & Escalate?
13) Do you ever use a wingman?
14) BLP Example of the Sidestep Maneuver
15) Why you need Social Proof to get the HB9 and HB10
16) Disadvantage of Direct Game
17) Advantage of Direct Game
18) Where does Storytelling and DHVs come into play?
19) What is the timeframe from A-Phase to F-Phase?
20) Why Asian men need to evolve from Indirect Game to Direct Game
First of all, Happy New Year to you all!
I’m finally back from vacation, where I ran across this beautiful, gorgeous girl – so please bear with me, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her.
Actually, spending time with her helped me understand better a lot of basic things concerning the interaction between men and women. Here are some key points:
1) Being Self-Confident is important. By now, there are many people telling that you should forget about being confident, because either you have it or not. And if “not” is the case, there is nothing you can do. That’s ridiculous. You gain self-confidence with every approach. And your self-confidence skyrockets with every success. Women look for strong, confident guys – it’s a fact.
2) Being friendly in spite of everything. Nothing scares women off than being rude or harsh. I know what you want to say now: what about the Bad Guys, the Alpha Males that seemingly are rude to girls and still are successful? That’s right, in a way there are harsh, but this is the way they demonstrate dominance and most important: they still give they girls the feeling that they are interested in them (the girls) as human beings, as attractive women. Sometimes it’s only a special look.
So, no matter how she reacts to your approach, comments aso. try to stay relaxed and positive. Keep in mind: Beautiful women often behave harsh at the beginning of an interaction with a guy they don’t know in order to test how he reacts, to see if he’s strong and confident enough. So don’t fail a “shit test” like “You do this to girls all the time?” Simply ignore it or make fun of it (“Yeah, you’re the 9th today.”). This leads to Point #3:
3) Being Strong. That means you have to act like you have already beautiful women in your life and it’s not a big deal to you to talk to a beautiful woman you have just met on the street. Try to behave like she’s not attractive at all. If she’s very beautiful, never make compliments on her looks! She hears it all the time and to her you’re just the next guy who wants in her pants. Instead you can use a “neg” like “That’s a nice hair color! Is it real?” to show her that you’re not impressed by her looks and thus disqualify yourself as a suitor.
Remember: The more experience you get in interacting with women, the BETTER you will get (provided that you don’t make the same mistakes again and again). This means you have to practice a lot. Go out and approach, don’t put it off, start practicing today!
P.S. There is a brand-new e-book called the Online-Game, that I can recommend: