The Top 20 Tips to Attract More Women Instantly
A lot of guys have the same question: What can I do to attract more women?
So, without further chitchat, here is the Top 20 List of things you can do to instantly attract more women:
1) Smile. But don’t overdo it. Simply put on a honest smile and the feedback will be amazing.
2) Be friendly. No matter what happens. Women are rarely rude and if so it’s often a test.
3) Demonstrate a high energy level. Be passionate when you talk, involve the quite guys in the discussion.
4) Never do what all guys do. Never buy girls drinks, never use compliments approaching a beautiful woman, never approach with “excuse me”.
5) Don’t pay too much attention to your feelings. Otherwise you will lose the game.
6) Be confident. You are not? Approach ten women everyday and see the results.
7) Speak slowly. A slowly voice commands authority.
8 ) Be decisive. Make definite statements that demonstrate your conviction.
9) Groom yourself. Get a manicure, remove excess hair, whiten your teeth and get tan.
10) Have a coherent body language. Stand up straight and always be aware of your posture.
11) Get well-dressed. Make sure your clothes fit. Buy some trendy shirts (no Hawaiian shirts).
12) Wear interesting accessories (rings, necklaces, bracelets, hats).
13) Tell an interesting story or learn how to do it.
14) Get social proof. Demonstrate that a lot of people like you and she will too.
15) Don’t take yourself too serious. Demonstrate your sense of humor. Learn some good jokes by the heart and practice telling them.
16) Think positive. The best is yet to come. It will shine through every time you speak.
17) Demonstrate higher value. Use palm reading, the cube, the ring routine, dream interpretation, cold reading, number guessing, hand writing, magic tricks, psycho tests aso.
18) Make her feel good about herself. Tell her what she wants to hear. Be emphatic.
19) Practice eye contact. It’s where it all starts.
20) Be unique. Have your own opinion on anything. Don’t believe there are only 20 things you can do to attract a woman. ;-)