The Guide to Phone Game
If you have difficulties calling a girl and talking to her on the phone, here is a list with useful tips:
1. No matter who answers the phone introduce yourself, “Hi this is …Is … there?”
This shows you are confident to be you and it establishes some rapport with a housemate or parent which can be used later.
2. If she is not there, chat up the person on the phone. “So what’s your name? I’m not coming on to you or anything, as far as I know you could have three eyes and green skin but has anyone ever said you have a real sweet phone voice?” etc… Do not be in a hurry. This shows you feel you are not worthy of a person’s time and shows a lack of confidence. Also, when you slow down, your delivery will improve with clarity and nuances in your voice.
Try to talk about five minutes with this person and do not feel bad if they have to cut you off. However if you have run out of material end the conversation. It’s extremely important getting a person who shares her house to like you over the phone. It will make your life much easier.
3. Okay, you get her on the phone. Do not ask her if she is busy. Do not ask her what she is doing. Do not remind her where she met you. Do not believe you need to be the first to end the conversation. That will make you rush and ruin your rap. Talk slowly and confidently.
“Hi … This is … You would not believe what my niece did yesterday.” Or “Remember how we were talking about the sexiest food and you said watermelon. Well I fed some watermelon to my cat and he is looking at me in the strangest way…” Go right into material.
4. Keep the charm flowing and return her to the fun, sexy mood you left her in. Work to re-attract her.
5. After fifteen minutes or so, the close should be easy. Just talk about it as if it is already a done fact – hardly worth mentioning. Casual like, “Let’s get together this week.” Then shut up. She will then recite her schedule and let you know where her free-times are. Pick out a day and time which will work for you.
6. If she claims to be too busy to get together, either act like you didn’t even hear it, go back into material and then try to re-close with different language or try to do something immediately, “Let’s go for ice-cream. I can pick you up in ten minutes.” If that still doesn’t work just say, ‘Nice chatting with you.” and let her go. Maybe repeat the process in a couple weeks or call other girls.
7. If you put her in the right mood you will have very little problem arranging a meet. Half the time the girls will bring up a meet. Always work on her mood. Steam roll her into a mood of laughing and fun. Keep in mind: In order to work the phone well, you must have confidence in your verbal abilities. Work on your tone. Work on you speed. Work on your material. Practice steamrolling your friends into a good mood.