The Numbers Game Routine for a 3Set
This routine is generally used for a 3set, because you use all of them in this routine. It goes as follows:
You: “Hey, let?™s all play a game.” Pick your target (the girl you?™re after) and say:
“Check this out…I’m going to give you the ability to read their minds…”
Target (Girl 1): “Okay…”
Look at Girl 2 and give her a pen.
You: “Pick a number between 1-4. Hold it! Now write it on your hand so you don’t change it.” (The answer is usually 3)
Turn and look at Girl 3 and hand her the pen.
You: “Pick a number between 1-10. Hold it. Now write it on your hand so you don’t change it.” (The answer is usually 7)
Turn to Girl 1 and say:
“Ok, I said I was going to give you the ability to read their minds. I want you to look at both of them and picture those numbers they have in their hands. Look deeply! You should have a faint vision of these numbers.”
Give her the pen.
You: “Now, pick a number between 10-50 and both digits have to be an odd number. Write it in your hand. (It?™s usually 37)
You: “Starting with you (point at Girl 2), show your hand (she’ll show 3). Now it?™s your turn (point to Girl3, and she’ll show 7), and now yours (point to Girl 1 and she’ll reveal 37).
This will either be the feat of all feats, or just a waste of their time. If you DO manage this, they will freak out and love you. If not, just say “Well, it didn’t work ’cause of her” (point to your target = Girl 1) and neg the crap outta her. ;-)