4 Reasons Why You Should Learn Daytime Dating
Most guys think you can only meet women in bars and clubs. That can’t be further from the truth. Just think back how many gorgeous women you’ve seen shopping. The great thing is that meeting women in the daytime is a great alternative. Here are 4 reasons why you should start meeting women in coffee shops, malls, colleges, and shopping streets.
1. You don’t enjoy going to bars or clubs.
A lot of guys don’t like going to bars and clubs. Going out at night can be expensive with cover and buying drinks (especially if you buy lots of drinks and you have that dreaded hangover the next day). Let’s not forget that you smell like smoke and sweat the next morning. The good thing is that women aren’t only found in bars and clubs. If you don’t like meeting women at night (or your schedule doesn’t permit you), you will love daytime dating. You can meet tons of women in the daytime. Just think of all the women you can meet in busy malls and coffee shops.
2. Most women are by themselves.
Don’t you just hate it when you get cockblocked? Well guess what. You won’t have that problem in the daytime. At night women are found in big groups. Oftentimes with men around them too that might intimidate you. However, most women are found alone during the day. She might be running some errands or she is on her way to get an appointment. This makes it much easier to get to know the woman when she is by herself and you won’t have to worry about her friends interrupting you.
3. You meet more quality girls.
Let’s face it. Do you really want that crazy party girl as your girlfriend? You will meet more quality girls in the daytime than you do at night. They are too busy doing useful things than getting drunk at night. You won’t find quality girls partying on a Wednesday night at 1.30am. A beautiful woman reading a book on Roman history is a better catch, isn’t she? You will find those quality women shopping in malls, libraries, and coffee shops just to name a few places. In fact, a lot of these quality girls will refuse to meet guys at bars or clubs. So if you don’t meet those girls in the daytime, you’re missing out on a lot of quality women.
4. Wider range of times and places to meet women.
The night time only gives you limited number of options on types of places you can meet women: bar, lounge, and nightclub. During the day you can go to many more places: coffee shops, libraries, college campuses, shopping streets, malls, and grocery stores. There more places where on one-off times you can meet women like theme parks, festivals, and that one time you run into a woman somewhere and you don’t what to do. Another great thing of daytime dating is that you don’t have to wait till nighttime comes around. You can start meeting women as soon as you wake up getting your coffee at the coffee shop.
If you want to find out more on how to meet, attract, and seduce women in daytime environment, you should check out “Daytime Dating” by day-game expert Jeremy Soul of Love Systems. He is recognized as the #1 day game expert and he has codified his system for getting girls in coffee shops, malls, streets, and more. His brand-new book on day-game called “Daytime Dating” is going to be released tomorrow. By now you can read 20 pages for FREE!