Priceless: Cold Reading and Best Friends Test
One of the biggest sticking points is what to say after the Opener and running out of material. The solution to this common problem is Cold Reading.
The first tool you need is a cold read routine for a group, because most sets will likely be groups of girlfriends. Start with a group cold read after your opener.
Here are some examples:
YOU: (Smiling) “You guys are awesome you’re just like the girls from Sex and the City.”
GIRLS: “Oh I love that show…”
(now use what you know about their personalities to fit them into one of the archetypes of the main characters from Sex and the City, give each girl a character)
(point to the responsible or tough one)
YOU: “You’re definitely Samantha because you’re tough and you have you’re stuff together.
(point to the one that seems the most sweet or quiet)
YOU: “You’re Carrie I can just tell because…!”
(point to the target and shake your head and say)
YOU: “And you’re Miranda! Oh, you’re definitely Miranda!”
The women will laugh and say why they are who they are or why they aren’t let them talk about it for a bit and then start your next routine.
Now it’s time to run another Cold Read to win the group over. And I want you to launch into the Best Friends Test (by Neil Strauss aka Style).
YOU: “OK, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for? (If you think they’re sisters ask: “Are you guys sisters or best friends?”)
GIRLS: “We’ve known each other forever (or whatever they say)”
YOU: “See, I knew that”
GIRLS: “How could you know that?”
YOU: “I’ll show you. In fact, I’ll give you the best friends test.”
GIRLS: (get all excited)
YOU: “OK… (pretend you’re just about to ask a serious question)
“Do you both use the same shampoo?”
GIRLS: (look at each other and then open their mouths to answer)
YOU: “OK, the answer doesn’t matter, you already passed.”
GIRLS: “Huh?!”
YOU: “See, if you weren’t so close to each other, you’d have kept eye contact with me as you answered. But when two people have a connection, they look at each other first, kind of like you’re doing right now.”
GIRLS: (laugh)
YOU: “See, you don’t even need to say anything to each other. It’s like you just communicate telepathically.”
At this point they should be laughing and loving your company … time to isolate your target and launch into palm reading or astrology cold reads.