Why Looks DON’T Matter & What Does (Julien from Real Social Dynamics)
P.S. Check Out Derek Cajun’s Brand-New Book!
Questions answered in the first video (part 1):
1) How did Matador and Asian Playboy meet?
2) What was Project Hollywood like?
3) What is Indirect good for and how long should you practice it?
4) What is Masculine, Sexual Charisma?
5) How effective is kino?
6) How can YOU increase your phone close rate by 15%?
7) Response to “I have a boyfriend.”
8) What is the D-Phase?
9) What are some good Cavemaning and Buying Temperature tactics?
10) What are some examples of Direct Openers?
11) What do you say after a Direct Opener?
Questions answered in the second video (part 2):
1) What do you do when you go Direct but don’t have enough Passive Value or attraction?
2) What is the Fuckable line?
3) Do you Neg or use a False Time Constraint when you go Direct?
4) How do I make the Perfect Approach (ie “Sticking the Approach”)?
5) What is the difference between Direct versus Indirect?
6) What is the #1 problem that Asian men face?
7) The PUA Spin – How you use it determines if it is Buying Temperature Gambit or a Sexual Compliance Test
8) How can I come off as Non-Creepy?
9) How do I answer the question, “How old are you?”
10) What is the Asian Fountain of Youth Kiss Close?
11) How do I save face if I get blown out using a Direct Opener?
12) What is the Boomerang and how do you use it to reboot a conversation?
Questions answered in the 3 video (part 3):
1) How successful is a Direct Opener?
2) How do you know if you’re in COMFORT?
3) What is the C-Phase: Compliance, Comfort, & Connect?
4) How do I build social proof and value using Direct Game?
5) What do you say to a group before you pull your target?
6) How to use Non-Verbal Social Pressure & Compliance Testing
7) What is difference between Direct Group Game versus Indirect Holding Court?
8) How do you approach a two-set?
9) What is Body Language Positioning (BLP)?
10) A RARE example of a BLP Maneuever
11) What is “Cuntpunting”?
12) What is the E-Phase: Evaluate, Extract & Escalate?
13) Do you ever use a wingman?
14) BLP Example of the Sidestep Maneuver
15) Why you need Social Proof to get the HB9 and HB10
16) Disadvantage of Direct Game
17) Advantage of Direct Game
18) Where does Storytelling and DHVs come into play?
19) What is the timeframe from A-Phase to F-Phase?
20) Why Asian men need to evolve from Indirect Game to Direct Game
Pick-Up Starts at 4:23!
P.S. If you like day game, this is a must: How to Pick Up a Girl.
You are probably familiar with opinion openers like the jealous girlfriend opener, who lies more etc. The problem with these openers is that they appeal mostly to women. And as you know women often go out with guys (mixed set) who are “just friends”. So how about an opinion opener for mixed sets?
The two-part kiss opener appeals to guys first and foremost. But girls get super into it also. And it gives you a way to AMOG (to be the Alpha Male Of the Group) guys in front of women. The opener goes like this:
You: Hey guys, we’re having a debate and need a quick opinion on something. If a guy is dating a girl and she goes out to a bar with her friends one night and makes out with a guy just for fun, is it cheating?
Group: Yeah, it’s cheating.
You: Okay, that makes sense. So here’s the real question. And I’ll tell you why I’m asking in a second…If she goes out and gets drunk and makes out with a GIRL for fun, is it cheating?
Group: (the responses will vary, but if any guys say “no,” you can bust on them for having a
double-standard etc.)
You: Okay. Interesting. The reason I’m asking is because my friend over there has been dating this girl. And she likes to go out and get drunk and make out with girls. Now, some guys might be into that, but it pisses him off and he thinks it’s cheating. She says it isn’t. So we were trying to figure out who was right.
Group: (discussion ensues, which you will have to soon cut off and move into your next piece of material because they will go on and on about this and stale the topic).