How to Avoid Last Minute Resistance
Typical scenario: You meet a girl, take her home, heat things up and …Suddenly she says “I can’t do this” or “I gotta go home now”. In the pick-up community, this phenomenon is called Last Minute Resistance (LMR).
But why does Last Minute Resistance happen?
If you want so, women are “designed” to figure out, wheather you will – to quote Mystery – “stick around after sex” or not (from the evolutionary standpoint it’s important for her, because she needs you to raise her childs). If all you showed her the whole evening was “I want sex”, it probably will be difficult for you to get it – unless she has already made up her mind to have sex this night.
So how do you avoid last minute resistance?
First of all, you need to show her that sex isn’t the only thing you are after. You have to build comfort in first place. On the other hand, there are countless guys who are so afraid to even touch that topic and the girl (kino) that the “Friends-Zone” is unavoidable. Or they save those things until they are alone with the girl – and that’s how last minute resistance is generated. So, you have to mix those things up.
Time is also a huge factor – you need to spend some hours with her so that she can begin to trust you and will be “ready” for sex (Mystery speaks of 7 hours, but in my opinion it depends on the quality of this time, in others worlds the activities that you do together in this are much important than the time itself. You could sit around for hours in a cafe or you could go to different places and do exiting activities).
By the way, there is a new Interview Series (on Last Minutes Resistance on the Love Systems Website and the first 10 minutes are free. Check it out here.