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How to Pick Up Women – 7 Things You Need to Do to Get the Girl

1. Go out and approach. You can read all the pickup material in the world and watch endless pickup videos on YouTube, but as long as you don’t go out and practice the stuff you read and see it doesn’t matter. In fact, it might even kill your game as you become dependent on those videos because they make you feel good (temporarily).

2. Don’t take things girls say personally. If you get rejected – and this happens to EVERYONE, even pickup gurus – don?™t start thinking she doesn?™t like you as a person. She can?™t because she doesn?™t know you long enough. It?™s always about your approach: Did you smile? Were you loud enough? Did you make superfluos gestures?

3. Focus on the process, not on the outcome. If you go out with the goal to make-up or sleep with a girl you are doomed to fail. You simply can?™t predict those things and if things don?™t go your way it will affect your (emotional) state. And girls always look for your emotional state first. Try to have fun in the process – it will simplify anything else.

4. Lead. Don?™t be passive and listen to her stories for hours. Talk about things you want to talk about. Don?™t wait for something to happen, make it happen! Say you want to do XYZ and do it. Suggest things, take responsibility. Change venues, inspire her to do something with you.

5. Work her emotions. Women are all about emotions, different kind of emotions. That why they like drama and crying at the movies so much. Never bore her, simply give her what she wants: the full range of emotions. Say you love her, then say you hate her… This is not lying, this is called flirting. Extreme emotions are WAY better than no emotions at all. Even a negative emotion is better than no emotion because you can change it to positive. Tell stories that trigger her emotions. Be unpredictable, surprise her.

6. Always kino escalate. Touch her while approaching (there are studies showing this alone improves the response rate dramatically), hug her, use high fives, punch her in the shoulder (playfully), ask for a small massage (you will be surprised how many girls will do you the favor!) and massage her, do hand reading etc. Kino escalation is a must to avoid landing in the friend zone. Women love physical contact much more than men, however don?™t overdo it in the beginning, keep it subtle.

7. Calibrate. Pickup is about adapting to the girl. Girls are different and sometimes will react differently to your stuff – depending on her emotional state etc. Don?™t let this affect your game, just adapt. Find out what she?™s about, give her some extremes and look how she reacts. Don?™t worry, it?™s still better than no extremes at all as it triggers her emotions and that exaclty what girls want. This way you will stand out from all the boring guys she has met in the past.

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Warmth Builder Routine by Bishop

Hold her hand with her palm up. Put your index finger in the center of her palm, and tell her to focus on the warmth in that spot your finger is on.
Then tell her to imagine a shape (any shape she wants and she is not to tell you what shape she chooses)
Next tell her to imagine that shape is sloooowly….riiising….up from that spot of warmth. (raise you index finger up to prompt her to raise her shape)
Tell her it is floating…rotating…around…and with each rotation…it gets warmer…and warmer…and warmer.
Then tell her to slooowly let that shape sink back down into the spot it rose from.
Next tell her to feel the warmth, as it travels UP from her hand…to her wrist…and it stops in that spot where the arm bends. (Your index finger will be tracing the movement)
While it is stopped here, invite her to notice how much warmer it became as it moved to this spot.
Then have it start moving again, this time travelling up and stopping on her shoulder.
Invite her to notice how that warmth is now even stronger…and more fulfilling.
Continue moving and stopping at her “charm” zone (that’s the area where a charm on a necklace would be resting).
Again invite her to notice how even warmer and more fulfilling it continues to get.
The move and stop on her “heart” zone (Stop tracing it from this point, as it might be too intrusive to her).
Again inviting her to notice the growing warmth and fulfillment.
Then move it down to her solar plexus (And here use EXACTLY this wording, “And notice how that warmth seems to double…maybe even triple in intensity…as if the core of all that warmth…all that fulfillment..came from…right…in…here.” Then poke her solar plexus to
anchor it!)
Then tell her to continue moving that incredibly warm and fulfilling shape down (and tell her something like, “Continue this movement, even though you think you might explode…with enjoyment.” )
Then swoop your hand BY her crotch, at an angle, and say, “And just let all of this flow right out and through you.” (Make sure you do NOT stop your hand by her crotch, because it’s too blatant. Instead, move your hand BY her crotch, at an angle, and over her right or left leg)
And then SHUT UP and let the first words be out of HER mouth, so you know what result you got and where you might need to take the sarge from this point!

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3 Ways to Pick Up a Girl – Once You’ve Already Approached Her

Do you want a phone number and a date? Or do you want to take her home? Or is she your next girlfriend? The distinction is important, because each path leads in a different direction.

1. How to pick up a girl if you want casual hookups. Focus on Physical Escalation (touching) and Logistics (getting her alone with you somewhere where you can take things to the next level). Remember to touch early and touch often. Find out early in the night who she is with and where she is going later. A couple quick tips:

– Make the numbers match. If you’re alone and the woman you meet is with her friend, get an instant wingman. You can use opinion openers with guys you don’t know in order to draw them into the conversation.
– Whispering is a great way to create sexual tension – it lets you get right close and is a huge turn-on to many women (always have chewing gum with you ;)
– In Day Game, physical escalation is less important and logistics are more important. Don’t try to seduce her on the street. Make a date for later that night.
– Use roleplays

2. If you want phone numbers and dates then it’s mostly about the Emotional Connection. Physical Escalation/ touching is less important on the first meeting (but still do it) and Logistics aren’t usually very important at all.

Emotional connection comes through conversation. So you need great conversation and flirting skills. Here are a couple of flirting/conversation skills:

– Never ask two questions in a row. Alternate statements and questions.
– Don’t play tourist in her life. Add value.
– Flirting is playful, not serious. It’s also supposed to be fun. Make her have fun.
– Cut off any conversation topics that won’t help you (e.g., her ex-boyfriend, her sick cat, her 6am wakeup call tomorrow, etc.).
– Be at the same energy level as her or slightly higher.

The second part of this is that once you get her phone number, you still need to turn it into a date. Here are a couple hints to get you going:

– Texting is usually better start than phoning for the first contact.
– Always sign your texts. If she has to respond with “who is this?” it kills the emotional momentum.
– If you call, get off the phone first, after about 10-12 minutes. Never leave voicemails.
– Never text her back quicker than she texted you back.
– Be unpredictable. Alternate long and short texts, funny and serious, questions and statements.
– Use statements more than questions. You don’t lose anything if she doesn’t respond to “I’m going to the House of Blues tonight!” You do if she doesn’t respond to “Would you like to come to the House of Blues with me?”
– Use Callback Humor whenever possible. If you did any role-plays when you met, start the call by continuing the role play. If you gave her a goofy nickname, start by calling her that.

3. If you are looking for a girlfriend or long-term relationship

Here’s where you need the full package. You need the conversation skills, you need the phone and text game skills (because there are going to be a few dates before she becomes your girlfriend and you’ve got to keep things going in between those dates).

You’ll also need – unlike in the last two cases – an attractive lifestyle. A woman can hook up with you without caring about what you do with your time, but for a woman to become your girlfriend, she has to want to join your life. That’s friends, hobbies, job, social life, interests, etc.

Here are a few handy lifestyle hints:

Prioritize your schedule and schedule your priorities. If you don’t make time for what’s important to you, it won’t happen. It’s much better to be passionate about something that she might not be interested in than to adopt “high status” hobbies you don’t connect with. Women love hearing men talk about something with passion and love telling their friends about it.

P.P.S. The holiday season is coming. And it’s not just about stress and travel – it’s also a great opportunity to attract women – especially holiday shopping!

The usual Day Game system that most men use will also work just fine at the mall during the holidays. But if you’re shyer, there’s another way. Approach a woman you’re attracted to with something like: “My sister says she needs a new purse for Christmas. What’s in style these days?”

The transition from this is easy; ask her to help you pick one out. Be near a purse store when you start the conversation and save your receipt. Or ask her what she’s doing and then “realize” you’re both doing your holiday shopping at a lot of the same stores, so why not do it together?

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How to Get a Girl – The Infamous Girlfriend Test Routine

Its always an awkward situation when a girl asks you if you have a girlfriend. The thought process for most guys is: Uhm, it feels weird to admit I dont have a girlfriend, but if I say I do she wont be interested anymore I better say No

Its not a mistake, but its not a good way to deal with this question. A good rule to follow is: Dont give women direct answers to their questions! Try to keep some mystery about yourself. For example if she asks What do you do? Dont answer with Im a lawyer, software engineer, banker/etc. Say? I work at night? or Im an ass-model?. Later on you can always tell her your real occupation.

Here is a better way to deal with the “Do you have a girlfriend?” question and. It?™s the infamous “Girlfriend Test Routine” and it?™s best to use after you have some connection…

She: “So, do you have a girlfriend?”
You: “To be my girlfriend is an exclusive thing. There?™s a test. Only 3 questions…”
Women love tests. There is no way she won?™t want to take the test.

Before you ask her the 3 questions, take a pen and write the correct answers on her palm or a piece of paper that you put in her hand and say she?™s isn?™t allowed to look. This way she will know there are correct answers which she may or may not get right and you not just let her pass. Your value will grow in her eyes because you are putting the interaction at risk.
You also demonstrate you don?™t just accept any girl as a girlfriend.

Now close her hand and ask the following questions:

1. Which do you enjoy more? A shower or a warm bath?
2. What is the sexiest food? Whipped crème or strawberries?
3. What feels better? Kisses on your neck or nibbling on your ear?

The correct answers are bath, strawberries and kisses on the neck. In most cases she will answer the first two correctly. The last question is perfect for intense kino (touching) or a kiss. If she gets it right, say: “I’m glad you like this (nibble or kiss).”

If she gets it wrong, whisper in her ear “I can’t be with you if you really believe this (nibble ear) feels better than this (kiss neck).”

If she gets all the questions wrong make fun of her – playfully!

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Why You Should Touch People on the Upper Arm

Its a fact: Most guys who arent good with women dont use kino (kinesthetics), that is touching, at all! Some of them are so nervous meeting a girl that they forget about touching completely and when it comes to their mind it feels awkward (the logic: I havent touched her the whole time, so it would be strange to do it now).

However, one cannot overemphasise the importance of touching. In fact, studies show that 65 % of women accept the offer of a dance when being (briefly) touched on the arm – compared with 43 % when not being touched (Gueguen, N. 2007). On the street, 20 % of women are willing to give their telephone number when you approach with a brief touch on the upper arm. Without touching only 10 % agree. You are even 20 % more likely to get money from a stranger on the street if you approach with a brief touch on the upper arm.

The reason why touching is so effective is because it is unconsciously perceived as an indicator of high status (Major & Heslin, 1982; Summerhayes & Suchner 1978). And as you probably know nothing is more important for women than your status (not even shoes, because it?™s your status that is promising shoes etc.). From the evolutionary perspective, men with a high status are ideal because they are able to provide for the family.

Most women don?™t consciously register the touch, but unconsciously they feel a positive effect. And no, it?™s not weird being “the touchy guy” – as long as you are authentic. That means you need to be the touchy guy all the time, with everyone and not only with her in a cozy lounge. Give guys a high five, a friendly pat on the back, touch the upper arm of a girl when you ask for directions and your value will skyrocket (without being the old-bold-asshole in a Ferrari).

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VIDEO: PUA Tyler Durden Infield & On Conveying Honest Signals

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Day Game Pick-Up: James Marshall vs. Sasha Daygame

Pick-Up Starts at 4:23!

P.S. If you like day game, this is a must: How to Pick Up a Girl.

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