Top 5: What NOT to Say on the First Date
As you may know, women are attracted to a man with an exciting lifestyle, a strong social network, ambitious goals and heart at the right place (being able to show love for her and his family). However, instead of demonstrating these things, a lot of guys complain or try to show off on the first date. They dont realize that you can lose the girl really fast saying the “wrong” things.
So, here are the top 5 verbal mistakes you can make on the first date:
1. “I dont date.” or “My last girlfriend was forever ago.”
She thinks: “No other women will touch this guy and neither should I.” Instead you should demonstrate pre-selection (show her other women want you). Tell her a story of an interesting date you had or drop names of female friends into your stories.
2. “I like to stay at home and play video games.”
She thinks: “This guy is a geek.” You should be conveying to her that you’re an adventurous risk-taker. Talk about when you did something dangerous (sky-diving, hang gliding, bungee
jumping, etc). If you haven’t done something like that, then talk about your desire to do so.
3. “My friends are stupid.”
She thinks: “He has bad friends because he?™s a bad person.” Instead talk about your friends positively and let her know you have many. Or show her you’re good at socializing by meeting new people with her that night.
4. “I hate my job. But I just need the money to pay the bills.”
She thinks: “This guy has no ambition, that’s gross.” If you do have a shitty job, you don’t need to tell her all about it. Instead tell her your goals for the future. She doesn’t care if you’re rich but she does want you to be ambitious.
5. “I don’t really talk to my family.”
She thinks: “This guy has intimacy issues because he’s not even able to love his family!” Don’t reveal negative personal baggage about yourself in the early stages of meeting a woman. Instead show her you love and take care of all of those close to you: family, friends,
girlfriends, and even pets. Being a protector of your loved ones is very sexy to women.