PUA Style’s Best Disqualifiers
You know those moments after you open and you’re actually doing good but you just can’t take it to the next level? You need to build some attraction with the target but you’re just getting stuck in nice safe guy land.
What does wonders in such situatios are disqualifiers. You have to disqualify yourself from being that” next guy who wants to get in her pants”. The effect: you instantly gain value in her eyes.
Here is a list of PUA Style‘s (author of “The Game”) greatest disqualifiers:
– “Save me from her!” (said to the set about the target)
-“Nice girls like you shouldn’t hang out with guys like me.” (said directly to the target)
– Put a monetary value on yourself – You: “That’ll be $30 bucks!” Her: “For what?” You: “For holding my hand!”
– Treat her like she’s the little sister you never had. (this is just a great rule to follow)
– Tell her you have a girlfriend.
– Reverse roles and position yourself as the prize – “Stop hitting on me, I’m not just a mindless piece of meat”, “Stop taking advantage of me… I’m not that kind of guy…”
– Tell her you’ll hire her as an assistant to follow you around everywhere. And if she does well you’ll double her salary.
– Be the snob – “Yeah, whatever, not so much…”
– Be the authority figure – “You’re in trouble, you’ve got detention…”
– Exaggerate her:? “OH SORRY I couldn’t serve you better, princess…”
– Make her compete – “Excuse me, there are more interesting girls over there…”
– Challenge her – “You’re not cool enough to hang with me.” Or “I’m wayyy to young for you…”
After you disqualify look for indicators of interest (IOIs) that women give men. This will let you know that you’re building attraction. Here is a list of some of them:
– Twirls her hair
– Asks your name
– Laughs at your stupid jokes
– Hits you in a playful manner
– If you pause she will fill in the silence
– Changes opinion to match yours
– Holding eye contact
– Hold out your hand. If they reach for it then you’re in.
– If they unconsciously mirror your movements.