How to Create Attraction – 3 Sure-Fire Ways
A lot of people want to know how to create attraction. So, without further chit-chat, here are the 3 sure-fire ways to create attraction:
1. Be mysterious.
Being mysterious means that you simply don’t reveal everything about yourself. Why is this good? Because the woman generates all sorts of possibilities of what you could be. She equals you with ideas (often fantasies) that she has in her mind.
It’s obvious: when we think there is nothing else to decipher, that all the clues were revealed and that the mystery is solved, we lose interest.
It’s what we don’t know that keeps us fascinated. This is even more important during the initial stages of attraction.
Here is an example of a conversation that generates mystery:
Her – “So what do you do for a living?”
You – “You might be surprised if I told you, but before that, what do you do for work?”
Her – “I do promotional stuff.”
You – “Really? How’s that?”
Her – “Good. I like it.”
You – “I suppose you must have a lot of good stories about the people you deal with.”
Her – “Well, yes, there are some weird people.”
Me – “Of course. You remind me of my friend Kay, who has done promotional work too. One time she was doing a promotion… ” (Launch into an interesting DHV (Demonstration of Higher Value) story).
Instead of answering her question you change the conversation to her favorite topic (herself). Then, launch into an interesting story that communicates your personality and attractiveness, while still not revealing too many personal details about yourself.
The secret is that she has a good time with you in the moment. Then later, when she feels attraction, she will use her imagination to fill in all the blanks.
2. Surpass her expectations.
By dedicating a lot of time to living and arming yourself with life experiences, the people who meet you will be taken aback by finding out more about you.
They will be pleasantly shocked by how interesting and accomplished you are, and a new type of mystery will develop as they question what else lies beneath your surface.
Here’s the same conversation, but this time with focus on developing the second type of mystery:
Her – “So what do you do for a living?”
You – “You might be surprised if I told you. What would you think somebody like me works in?”
Her – “I don’t know…”
You – “Aw, c’mon, what do you mean you don’t know. You must have some idea.”
Her – “Well, I don’t know…I would say you are a student or that you are working with a company.”
You – “Not quite, I’m a skydiving instructor.”
Her – “Wow! Really? I would never have thought.”
You – “Why not?”
Her – “I don’t know…it’s just that you didn’t give the impression of being like that…”
You – “Things aren’t always the way you think.”
Some of you might be saying, “But I don’t skydive… I don’t even do anything that resembles that!”
If this is so, maybe it’s time to add some adventure and new experiences to your life.
Ask yourself, “What is one thing I’ve always wanted to try, but have never gotten around to?”
Will you make plans to try it? It might be a lot of hard work, but you CAN do it.
3. Jealousy
Jealousy is a sneaky emotion. Thoughts of inadequacy and insecurity race through the mind. Knots form as fear and anxiety creep into the stomach. While these feelings are easily identified as negative, when wielded properly in a pickup they can yield shockingly positive results.
The secret to harness this invisible power lies in the commonly held belief that women are bynature driven less by logic and more by their emotions. Even if they meet a great guy, and intellectually recognize that he is cool, interesting, funny, and various other great things, this is by no means a guarantee she will pursue him sexually. She will only do that when her emotions tell her to.
Here’s how you create a jealousy plot line:
You’ve made your approach and opened the group for conversation. You’ve won over her friends and demonstrated to her that you’re different from the other guys. Sure you’ve told a few bad jokes but you’ve also had a few good ones and everyone laughed at them. She is clearly enjoying your company.
The night progresses and the two of you talk more. You find out about her dreams, desires, and passions. There is some light touching between you, but nothing major. She seems reserved to move things forward; you’re being slotted in the friend zone. Already having exchanged contact information, you mention you have to get back to your friends and bid her farewell for now.
She thinks little of it until in her peripheral vision she sees you sitting with the girl in the red dress. “Who does she think she is?” she wonders. “Giggling at his jokes and flipping her hair back like that.” Suddenly she feels the knot forming in her stomach. Her emotions are warning her she may be losing something she desires. And thus the switch has been flipped. Her emotions do not lie: She desires you.
You return with a smile to discuss one of the open loops left in your conversation from earlier. She is thrilled to have you back. A new energy exists behind the interaction. Now, when you touch her, your touch is reciprocated. Your escalation is welcomed and desired. Now, she is even laughing at your bad jokes. It’s on. Your plot line was played to perfection.