Tagged with " style pua"

Step-By-Step: How to Isolate and Build Comfort

As men we might go out on the date-hunt alone. But women, especially women of quality, are rarely found out at clubs and bars socializing alone. They travel in wing-woman packs, or mixed groups of men and women protecting each other from slime-balls, drunken idiots, and boring AFCs (average frustrated chumps).

But you are different because you recognize this fact and you’re  going to not only overcome it but use it to your advantage.

If you opened, demonstrated value (showed you’re interesting and attractive) and disqualified yourself from being the “next guy” to heighten attraction in your target,  you should be receiving “Indicators of Interest” (IOIs) from the woman in set that is your target. This concept is as easy as it sounds. An IOI is something a woman does (maybe even subconsciously) to show you that she’s interested in you as more than just a friend.

Here’s a small list of IOIs:

1. She makes prolonged eye contact with you.

2. She touches you in a playful. A tap on the arm, friendly punch to the shoulder or joking hip check.

3. She fixes her hair or other aspects of her appearance in your presence.

4. She tries to insert herself into the conversation you’re having with other people in the set or if the conversation with you dies she re-starts it.

5. She’s willing to do simple things you ask her to do: “Here hold this cup.” or “Switch places with me, you stand here.”

6. She laughs at your jokes even when no one else does.

7. She doesn’t want you to leave.

The key with IOIs is to notice them and to act accordingly. What does that mean exactly you ask? Well, if a woman is showing you she’s attracted to you then you can start escalating things to the next level chief. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

The rule of thumb is to notice 3-4 IOIs then to begin to work on escalation, namely isolating the target to build comfort. So, it may take you some time to get out of your head about saying and performing your Openers, DHVs, and DQs for you to also be able to keep track of IOIs but eventually this is the point to sarging often. That’s why PUAs like to run the same material over and over again – because it allows them to be able to focus on other things like counting IOIs. Try it for yourself.

How to Isolate

Let’s say you notice those IOIs your next step is to try to get some alone time with her.

Here’s where the group dynamic comes into play. It’s tough to get awoman away from her friends. It’s tough because her friends are her safety net and it’s there job to keep her safe. But provided you did everything right you should have not only been charming your special lady but also the group so you’ve got that going for you.

But you still need to follow a few rules to keep her super team of friends from worrying, so here’s how it goes:

You notice 3-4 IOIs from the target and you know you’ve achieved attraction to you. Now address the group say:

“Even though she’s trouble (feisty, a mess, etc., insert an adjective here that calls back a DQ), there’s something about your friend I find interesting. You guys mind if I talk to her alone for just a few minutes right over there?” (point to a spot near the group but far enough that you’re out of earshot).

Now, that sentence you just read doesn’t get said to a group of women or any group often. It’s totally alpha and confident to ask the group for this and they’ll respect it. Unless there’s a really drunk AMOG or a super tough wing-woman that loathes you the group usually always just nods and says “Sure, go ahead!”

You can’t prepare yourself for all contingencies so let’s just say the situation goes smooth and no one objects which is 9 times out of ten. The target will have heard what you said so at this point look her in the eye and say “Let’s talk for a minute over there before I go.” Then put your arm out suggestively so that she takes it.

Walk with the target over to your isolation spot – you’re now in isolation.

Why and How to Build Comfort

You build comfort because meeting and dating men is a scary prospect for a  woman. Think about all the psycho dudes she’s met in her life and the guys that have just tried to get in her pants. It’s no wonder she has her defenses up. You need to earn her trust and show her that you aren’t crazy and that you’re interested in more than just her body. This is the key to her really wanting to give you her number and her answering when you call it a few days later.

That’s the why and here’s the how. The Cube is a great routine to use in comfort building because it’s a good way to get to know someone on a deeper level. Feel free to run The Cube as your Isolation Routine.

In addition to running routines a good option in the comfort building phase is to listen. You already have this girl interested in you so now you need to get to know her. Ask her broad open ended questions: “What are your passions? What are you all about? You seem different from these other women in this place, what makes you special?” I think you get the idea. If she starts talking and doesn’t stop that’s a great sign. Your job now is to listen intently and look into her eyes.

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

PUA Style’s Best Disqualifiers


You know those moments after you open and you’re actually doing good but you just can’t take it to the next level? You need to build some attraction with the target but you’re just getting stuck in nice safe guy land.

What does wonders in such situatios are disqualifiers. You have to disqualify yourself from being that” next guy who wants to get in her pants”. The effect: you instantly gain value in her eyes.

Here is a list of PUA Style‘s (author of “The Game”) greatest disqualifiers:

– “Save me from her!” (said to the set about the target)

-“Nice girls like you shouldn’t hang out with guys like me.” (said directly to the target)

– Put a monetary value on yourself – You: “That’ll be $30 bucks!” Her: “For what?” You: “For holding my hand!”

– Treat her like she’s the little sister you never had. (this is just a great rule to follow)

– Tell her you have a girlfriend.

– Reverse roles and position yourself as the prize – “Stop hitting on me, I’m not just a mindless piece of meat”, “Stop taking advantage of me… I’m not that kind of guy…”

– Tell her you’ll hire her as an assistant to follow you around everywhere. And if she does well you’ll double her salary.

– Be the snob – “Yeah, whatever, not so much…”

– Be the authority figure – “You’re in trouble, you’ve got detention…”

– Exaggerate her:? “OH SORRY I couldn’t serve you better, princess…”

– Make her compete – “Excuse me, there are more interesting girls over there…”

– Challenge her – “You’re not cool enough to hang with me.” Or “I’m wayyy to young for you…”

After you disqualify look for indicators of interest (IOIs) that women give men. This will let you know that you’re building attraction. Here is a list of some of them:

– Twirls her hair

– Asks your name

– Laughs at your stupid jokes

– Hits you in a playful manner

– If you pause she will fill in the silence

– Changes opinion to match yours

– Holding eye contact

– Hold out your hand. If they reach for it then you’re in.

– If they unconsciously mirror your movements.


P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

Style’s Top 10 Pick Up Revelations

Recently one of the greatest PUAs in the world Style (aka Neil Strauss) published a list of the top ten epiphanies he had while learning the Game.

According to him these epiphanies helped transform him from a guy who was too scared to speak to women, into a guy who had experiences that even in his wildest fantasies, he never imagined were possible:

1. What you look like doesn’t matter. But how you present yourself does.

2. Nobody is judging you. They’re too busy worrying about what you think of them. So instead of seeking her approval, give her yours. Then take it away. Then give it to her again. This is called flirting.

3. Women like nice guys. They just don’t like weak guys. So you can still be nice, but you must also be confident and strong-minded. In order for a woman to be with you, she needs to feel safe with you.

4. It’s not enough to just be yourself. You must be your best self.

5. There’s a thin, but important line between being horny and being sexual. A horny man hits on a woman before she’s attracted to him. A sexual man waits until he’s attracted her.

6. Just because you’re interacting doesn’t mean you’re attracting. Learn to recognize the

difference between politeness and interest.

7. To win the heart of a woman, you have to be willing to risk losing her.

8. When a girl you went on a date with in the past or who suddenly disappeared on you calls you out of the blue, it generally means one thing – so call back right away before she finds someone else to be with that night.

9. Always call a woman the day after sleeping with her and make her feel good about having let go with you. Even if you don’t want to see her again or she doesn’t want to see you again. Don’t ruin her for other guys.

10. The Canadian hockey player Wayne Gretzky once said “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” So simply by approaching and saying something, no matter how badly you may bumble, you’ve dramatically increased your odds of being with her.

The BEST way to get good with girls (in just 3 days)!

What’s the fastest and most effective way to get good with girls?

Infield training? For sure, but without theory?

Infield training and seminars? Almost there…

Infield training, seminars AND learning from the best PUAs in the world?

You name it!

The guys from Love Systems are hosting the biggest dating conference – the Super Conference.

All the best pickup artist and dating coaches gather in Las Vegas (October 15-17 2010) in this one-of-a-kind event. You get the chance to immerse yourself to become the guy all women desire in just three days. It is taking place next month and you definitely do not want to miss this. To get an idea what you can expect, check out the video below:

Super Conference

There are not many seats left, so you better hurry up before they sell out. Click here to claim your ticket.

P.S. Check out this great article about the (last) Super Conference.

The most important thing to get good with girls

Ask yourself…

1. When was the last time I went out?

2. While I was out, did I open sets often enough?

3. While in set, did I push as far as possible?

In those 3 easy questions there are tons of ways you may find you sabotage yourself.

Balance is vital in life, but real progress takes real energy. The WORST thing you can do is to NOT go out much.

The best techniques mean nothing, if you’re not actually approaching.

You have to make a commitment. Get in the field. It’s time to go out. It’s time to approach.

And that’s not all.

Beyond showing up, and beyond playing, we must always be PUSHING to the next point.

The key is FORCING. If you’re ever wondering “how can I get past this anxiety?” The most

effective way is to not offer yourself a choice. Don’t even let it be a question, instead just:

DO. ACT. PUSH. Soon enough, you’ll open.

Temptation will pull you towards comfort, but this is the enemy of progress. You must push

past comfort in each of your experiences.

FORCE into attraction. When that is down

FORCE into qualification. Get that in place

FORCE into the next step. The cycle can not

and should not end.

Never let yourself succumb to the dreaded monster of self comfort, for if you

do, it will be the end of the BEST version of you.

It doesn’t have to end that way though, it won’t be decided by chance or destiny. It

is decided through one thing alone, one simple question you must answer for yourself:

Will you perpetually push yourself past the next step through EXPERIENCE?

The choice is yours alone.

P.S. A couple more weeks and the Love Systems Super Conference will be taking place in Las Vegas. There are only few seats left, so hurry up!

P.P.S. Here is a video of Love Systems coach “Future” giving a talk at the conference last year.

The Penny, Nicholas, and Dime Routine by Style

The Penny, Nicholas, and Dime Routine by Style is a simple routine to demonstrate higher value (DHV). The best DHVs are those that make the woman or the group you

approach have a great time. These types of DHVs set you up as the guy who creates the good time for them. Everyone wants to be around that guy.

For the Penny, Nicholas and Dime Routine you’ll need a penny, a nickel and a dime. You could carry the coins around, but you could also use this opportunity to create an opener.

“Hey, do you have a penny, nickel, and dime? I want to show my friend something cool.”

Once you have the coins, it’s time to begin. Here’s how it goes:

“My friend showed me this cool game. It’s a trip. You ready?


Present your left hand palm up, fingers together, to create a table for your effect.

Spread the coins out in your palm, heads up, in a line.

Place the penny nearest your finger tips, the nickel in the middle, and the dime nearest your wrist. This ordering will move the energy of the game directed toward you as you do the pointing.

Now say and do the following:

“Ben’s mother had three children: Penny, Nicholas, and …”

When you say “Penny”, point at the penny.

When you say “Nicholas”, point at the nickel.

If whoever you’re playing the game with isn’t looking at the coins, make eye contact with her, then shift your gaze to the coins, so she will follow your gaze and look at the coins.

Then point at the dime and keep quiet. She’ll feel the conversational lead and attempt to fill in the verbal blank.

They might say something like, “Dime-o”, or “Dime-us” or some other name that isn’t correct.

Go ahead and stop reading this passage for a moment, and figure out the right answer for yourself.

Got it?

The third child’s name is Ben because this whole game started by saying “Ben’s mother had three children…” Then two of the children (Penny and Nicholas) were named, by process of

elimination the third child must be Ben because it’s his mother!

Now, if she doesn’t get the correct answer, then repeat the exact same procedure over.

When you repeat the the patter feel free to put the coins in her hand by saying, “Gimme your hand,” or you could just proceed by gently taking her wrist, lifting her hand, with the fingers together, palm up, in a platform position. Place the coins on her palm in a line in order, penny, nickel, and dime pointing at you.

Repeat the quote while pointing at the appropriate coins.

“Ben’s mother had three children: Penny, Nicholas, and …”

If after a few repeats she still doesn’t get it. You can remove the coins and say, “Now don’t think about the coins, close your eyes and just listen.”

Now when you say the phrase again emphasize the words BEN and THREE. “BEN’S mother had THREE children…”

Usually, this gives her that “A-ha!” moment and she gets it. Without the visual stimulation of the coins and pointing, it’s much easier to solve the riddle. The reason why this works is

because of the visual misdirection. The penny-Penny and nickel-Nicholas connection made an inference that there was some indirect link between what was spoken and what was seen, namely, the dime.

If she still can’t get it, promise to tell her the secret of the Penny, Nicholas, Dime game later or the next time you hang out. This intrigue will help secure another date, or, if she’s the

intensely curious type that can’t wait, she might hang on your arm, begging “Tell me. Tell me!” Which isn’t a bad thing either. Tell her you will show her the secret only if she knows a friend there at the venue that you guys can play the game on together.

When you’re performing for an audience of one, especially one you have a special interest in, ground the emotions and anchor the good feelings to you. After she achieves the game’s revelation, you can add some romantic patter to enhance your relationship

and bring you two closer together:

“Now isn’t that amazing! It’s funny how once we see things in a certain way, we can’t ever go back to seeing them the old way again. Like with this game, there was some connection right in front of our eyes and ears but we couldn’t see it or hear it. Yet the pleasantly surprising solution appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.”

P.S. There are tons of great routines in the book Magic Bullets.

The Strawberry Fields Routine

The “Strawberry Fields Routine” is designed for physical escalation. You should use it only when you have developed sufficient rapport with the girl. It’s good routine for transition from comfort to sex. There are only three questions:

1) “Imagine that you are now standing at the gates of a strawberry field. You are alone. There are tasty, ripe strawberries in the field. How high are the gates surrounding the field?” (This indicates how easy or hard the girl is to give sex)

2) “Imagine you’re now inside the strawberry field. How many strawberries do you pick and eat?” (This indicates the number of sex partners she desires)

3) “After you finish eating the strawberries, you realize that you have been observed by the farmer from afar. How do you feel about him?” (This indicates how she feels about her partner after sex)

Jan 24, 2012 - Attraction, Uncategorized    1 Comment

The Top 20 Tips to Attract More Women Instantly

A lot of guys have the same question: What can I do to attract more women?

So, without further chitchat, here is the Top 20 List of things you can do to instantly attract more women:

1) Smile. But don’t overdo it. Simply put on a honest smile and the feedback will be amazing.

2) Be friendly. No matter what happens. Women are rarely rude and if so it’s often a test.

3) Demonstrate a high energy level. Be passionate when you talk, involve the quite guys in the discussion.

4) Never do what all guys do. Never buy girls drinks, never use compliments approaching a beautiful woman, never approach with “excuse me”.

5) Don’t pay too much attention to your feelings. Otherwise you will lose the game.

6) Be confident. You are not? Approach ten women everyday and see the results.

7) Speak slowly. A slowly voice commands authority.

8 ) Be decisive. Make definite statements that demonstrate your conviction.

9) Groom yourself. Get a manicure, remove excess hair, whiten your teeth and get tan.

10) Have a coherent body language. Stand up straight and always be aware of your posture.

11) Get well-dressed. Make sure your clothes fit. Buy some trendy shirts (no Hawaiian shirts).

12) Wear interesting accessories (rings, necklaces, bracelets, hats).

13) Tell an interesting story or learn how to do it.

14) Get social proof. Demonstrate that a lot of people like you and she will too.

15) Don’t take yourself too serious. Demonstrate your sense of humor. Learn some good jokes by the heart and practice telling them.

16) Think positive. The best is yet to come. It will shine through every time you speak.

17) Demonstrate higher value. Use palm reading, the cube, the ring routine, dream interpretation, cold reading, number guessing, hand writing, magic tricks, psycho tests aso.

18) Make her feel good about herself. Tell her what she wants to hear. Be emphatic.

19) Practice eye contact. It’s where it all starts.

20) Be unique. Have your own opinion on anything. Don’t believe there are only 20 things you can do to attract a woman. ;-)

30-Minute VIDEO: Matador and Asian Playboy (JT Tran) on Direct Game and Body Language

Questions answered in the first video (part 1):
1) How did Matador and Asian Playboy meet?
2) What was Project Hollywood like?
3) What is Indirect good for and how long should you practice it?
4) What is Masculine, Sexual Charisma?
5) How effective is kino?
6) How can YOU increase your phone close rate by 15%?
7) Response to “I have a boyfriend.”
8) What is the D-Phase?
9) What are some good Cavemaning and Buying Temperature tactics?
10) What are some examples of Direct Openers?
11) What do you say after a Direct Opener?

Questions answered in the second video (part 2):
1) What do you do when you go Direct but don’t have enough Passive Value or attraction?
2) What is the Fuckable line?
3) Do you Neg or use a False Time Constraint when you go Direct?
4) How do I make the Perfect Approach (ie “Sticking the Approach”)?
5) What is the difference between Direct versus Indirect?
6) What is the #1 problem that Asian men face?
7) The PUA Spin – How you use it determines if it is Buying Temperature Gambit or a Sexual Compliance Test
8) How can I come off as Non-Creepy?
9) How do I answer the question, “How old are you?”
10) What is the Asian Fountain of Youth Kiss Close?
11) How do I save face if I get blown out using a Direct Opener?
12) What is the Boomerang and how do you use it to reboot a conversation?

Questions answered in the 3 video (part 3):

1) How successful is a Direct Opener?
2) How do you know if you’re in COMFORT?
3) What is the C-Phase: Compliance, Comfort, & Connect?
4) How do I build social proof and value using Direct Game?
5) What do you say to a group before you pull your target?
6) How to use Non-Verbal Social Pressure & Compliance Testing
7) What is difference between Direct Group Game versus Indirect Holding Court?
8) How do you approach a two-set?
9) What is Body Language Positioning (BLP)?
10) A RARE example of a BLP Maneuever
11) What is “Cuntpunting”?
12) What is the E-Phase: Evaluate, Extract & Escalate?
13) Do you ever use a wingman?
14) BLP Example of the Sidestep Maneuver
15) Why you need Social Proof to get the HB9 and HB10
16) Disadvantage of Direct Game
17) Advantage of Direct Game
18) Where does Storytelling and DHVs come into play?
19) What is the timeframe from A-Phase to F-Phase?
20) Why Asian men need to evolve from Indirect Game to Direct Game

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Neil Strauss Demonstrates How to Break a Pencil with a One Dollar Bill

“There are things that I can’t tell people face-to-face, whether they’re just friends of mine, or people I love who are close to my life, yet for some reason I’m not afraid to write about them, even though I know they’ll see ‘em.

Even the stuff in The Game, I’ve never told people because I was worried they would judge me. The stuff in Rules Of The Game, in that first story about that really, really old woman. My friends would have just ripped… it would have been publicly humiliating. But I guess I feel if I can write it I can really explain it fully, all the dimensions to it and I can make sure it’s said right, and comes out right. That way I can say it the best way I can possibly say it.” Neil Strauss

Get the "Underground Online Dating Secrets" eBook for FREE & Updates from this Blog!
