Top 3 Online Dating Mistakes Most Guys are still Making
Online dating is extremely convenient as you can browse and arrange dates with an endless number of women without even going out. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. In fact, most men make the same mistakes when it comes to online dates. So, without further ado, here are the
Top 3 Online Dating Mistakes Most Guys are still Making:
1) Not having a profile picture/Having a bad picture.
This one is easy: Not having an profile picture makes you basically invisible. No one will really bother to take to time to answer or even contact you, if you dont even take the trouble to upload a picture of you.
But of course, its not enough having some picture. The picture needs to be good, it hast o stand out from the crowd. Most guys on online dating sites have bad pictures, that is: you cant really see your face, its blurred, its a selfie (ultimate no-go) or even worse a bare-chested selfie in front of a mirror with stains of toothpaste on it.
In short: You definitely need the time to create and upload a good picture. Ask a friend with a professional camera to make some pictures of you and you will definitely stand out from the crown.
Good-looking pictures are an absolute minimum when it comes to online dating. And yes, pictures, not picture as you need more than one. One that shows your face (no special face expression, not looking into the camera), one whole-body-shot (smiling/in-motion) and one with friends/other people, preferable also women.
The last one is important because it shows women that you actually are a social being and/or preselection. You can write novels about how cool you are, but firstly most visitors wont even read it and secondly, only seeing is believing.
You can upload more pictures, preferably travel or activity pics, but more than 5 is actually a try-hard, showing neediness.
2) Writing empty or boring messages.
Empty means messages that are useless like Hi, Hey, Whats up, How is it going, I like your…
They are useless because most girls on online dating sites get tons oft hem daily and there is basically no reason to answer (unless they recognize you are a famous actor from your profile pic). By sending stuff like this you assume she will do the work and will engage a conversation – really?
But there are also boring because cliched messages like you have beautiful eyes, etc. These are either too familiar or obviously dishonest or/and needy.
Also, avoid boring interview questions like what do you do?where do you live?, etc.
In fact, what you send isnt as important as what you dont send. So, at all cost, avoid the type of messages mentioned above as well as sexual messages of any kind.
The idea is to create a connection to her and every message is a step to this goal. So try to be creative and funny when messaging.
3) Putting everything on one card.
This means concentrating on one girl instead of sending tons of messages to different girls and increasing your chances of success tremendously.
By all means concentrate on one girl that you like (from her pictures, because obviously you dont know her in real life), but do also send messages to other girls so you wont be devastated when she suddenly decides to end your the conversation seemingly for no reason.
This also means that you should have profiles on different online dating sites not only because you can contact much more girls, but also because they are slightly different and different types of girls use different sites.