What has “being different” to do with attraction?
Why do you have to be different to attract women?
Because it makes you interesting, it makes you stand out from the last 10 or even 100 guys the girl you’re talking to hooked up with. It’s a fact: Women like men with (concrete) goals as this demonstrates a strong, assertive character.
Being different also means that you can demonstrate value – for example by showing something not everyone can do. This doesn’t mean that you have to play a greasy song on the guitar (but do so if you can). For example you can ask her about the last time she laughed with all her heart (say a friend asked you this and you didn’t know what to answer first – but now you know). Ask her to tell you about the happiest moment of her life or a special moment in her childhood and then tell yours. Try to relate to her thoughts and feelings – but don’t overdo it.
Read up on palm reading, dream interpretation or psycho tests (it’s not that difficult to memorize this stuff as all those “tests” work with given patterns) and use it on your next date. Women love all kinds of tests.
Don’t forget: it’s not only about the content but your presentation as 90 % of the communication is non-verbal (60% is Body Language and 30% is the Tone).
Being different means being unaffected by her beauty and her “shit tests” (when she tries to figure out whether you’re a confident guy or a weak, average guy). Stop acting friendly just to please her – she will be bored as this is what every average guy does – be different.
That’s why “bad boys” are so successful – they demonstrate a strong character, act like they’ve got countless options and could leave the girl in a second. The menatl frame to use her is this: Behave like she’s not attractive at all.
If she’s very beautiful, never make compliments on her looks! She hears it all the time and to her you’re just the next guy who wants in her pants. Instead you can use a “neg” like “That’s a nice hair color! Is it real?” to show her that you’re not impressed by her looks and thus disqualify yourself as a suitor.
What women are attracted to is Status and Personality. Before you go with “Well, I don’t have a Ferrari so it’s hopeless for me” – here’s the important thing about status:
You don’t have to be rich to demonstrate a high status! And even if you are rich, you still need some other characteristics to get the girl – it’s not the money alone that gets you the girl. Here is what really counts:
Characteristics like dominance, decisiveness, leadership, confidence and intelligence. Being articulate is also a major point.